
an experience
of many minds

experience design, research, visual + logo design, illustration, motion graphics, exhibition design, inclusive design

one is an online exhibition designed to immerse individuals in the perspectives of those living with diverse mental and brain disorders, with the goal
of raising awareness.

one is a

dedicated to raising awareness about individuals in our society who live with mental or brain disorders, frequently neglected due to societal stigma. with an estimated 10% of the population affected by mental disorders, equating to one in ten individuals, it's evident that a substantial portion of our society grapples
with these issues on a daily basis. this project endeavors to foster understanding, compassion, and support for those navigating the complexities of mental health in our communities.

the logo design embodies the statistical landscape of mental disorders, drawing from empirical data provided by the world health organization. each circle within the design represents a distinct disorder, with their respective sizes reflecting the prevalence of each condition relative to others. the intentional overlapping of circles serves to depict the potential for comorbidity, highlighting how individuals may experience multiple disorders simultaneously. the logo design not only visually communicates the prevalence and complexity of mental health conditions but also underscores the interconnectedness and overlapping nature of various disorders within the broader spectrum of mental health issues.

one is an

crafted with the intention of enabling individuals to gain insights into the perspectives of individuals living with a range of mental and brain disorders. one achieves this by juxtaposing these perspectives with those of the majority, providing participants with a direct immersion into life through the eyes of individuals affected by these conditions. through this immersive journey, the overarching aim is to promote greater awareness, empathy, and a deeper understanding of the complexities surrounding mental disorders in society.

at the core of the project lies the importance of shifting perspectives. this concept guided the creation of the exhibition's cover and e-flyer designs. these designs utilize the outline of the logo as a frame, revealing only select portions of the illustrations. this approach not only references the project's logo but also serves to illustrate the limitations inherent in failing to engage with and comprehend the experiences of others.


online exhibition walkthrough

shaped by cases documented in psychology literature and textbooks. it's essential to recognize the unique nature of each mental and brain disorder, despite shared characteristics and potential comorbidities. in this project, each disorder depicted is based on a specific case study. Currently, the project showcases illustrations of three disorders: anorexia, schizophrenia, and synesthesia.

each disorder is depicted through three distinct scenes, each highlighting different aspects of
the condition. animations begin with grayscale illustrations, transitioning into color. This transformation symbolizes a shift in perspective experienced while viewing the animations. the grayscale scheme represents the perspective of the majority, approximately 90% of the population, while the introduction of color signifies the unique perspective associated with each disorder. this transformation underscores the idea that the majority perceives the world in a more conventional manner, whereas individuals with these disorders perceive a more vibrant and diverse reality.

one is a
glimpse of life…

anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by a pathological fear of gaining weight and a loss of control over eating habits, often leading to significant weight loss and extreme thinness. Individuals affected by this disorder typically exhibit severe dieting and excessive exercising behaviors.

there are two main types of anorexia nervosa:
restricting type: Involves severely limiting calorie intake through strict dieting.
binge-eating/purging type: Involves episodes of binge eating followed by purging behaviors such as vomiting or misuse of laxatives.

severe cases of anorexia can lead to serious health complications including heart conditions and cognitive impairments due to inadequate vitamin and calorie intake. people with anorexia may experience disturbances in body image perception, such as overestimating the size of their meals or perceiving their bodies inaccurately. this distorted perception may extend to others' bodies or even non-living objects like sculptures.

anorexia nervosa

the perspective provided focuses on
the case of a 20-year-old female:

  • a fine arts student.

  • her condition has led to hospitalization twice due to low levels of potassium.

  • her physical appearance reflects the severity of her condition.

  • instructors have cautioned her about the improper sizing of her sketches and drawings, pointing out the impacts of her disorder in her artistic creations.


synesthesia is a neurological condition where stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway triggers automatic experiences in another sensory or cognitive pathway. one type of synesthesia is chromesthesia, where sounds evoke both colors and auditory sensations.

key points about synesthesia include:
it is a neurological disorder rather than a mental disorder.
women are more likely to exhibit forms of synesthesia.
approximately 3 to 5% of the population may have this condition.

the perspective provided focuses on
on the case of a 35-year-old female:

  • a professionally trained violinist.

  • experiencing chromesthesia, a form of synesthesia where sounds evoke both colors and auditory sensations.

spectrum disorder:

schizophrenia spectrum disorder is the most prevalent among psychotic disorders, characterized by a disconnection from reality. psychosis, a broad term encompassing symptoms like paranoia, auditory hallucinations, and delusions, is a hallmark of these disorders. schizophrenia can severely impact daily functioning.

symptoms of schizophrenia are typically categorized as positive and negative:
positive symptoms entail overt signs of psychotic behavior, with hallucinations (sensory experiences without external stimuli) and delusions (irrational beliefs) being common. approximately 50-70% of individuals with schizophrenia experience hallucinations and/or delusions. negative symptoms involve deficits in normal behavior, such as reduced speech and emotional expression.

for a diagnosis of schizophrenia, the following criteria are considered:

significant impairment in major life areas like work and interpersonal relationships.
presence of two or more positive and/or negative symptoms for a significant portion of at least one month,
with a duration extending beyond six months.

the perspective provided centers
on the case of a 30-year-old male:

  • manages a family business but is unable to do so due to his condition.

  • experiencing delusions and hallucinations, indicative of his schizophrenia.


Entropy Touchdesigner • Audio Reactive Visual


Museum Redesign Branding + Visual Design